Fastagestur og  sagnaþulur.
Pistlingur - 2/12/04
21st century...

A human is selected as the 46th president of the US. (I know, that anyone will forgive me misspellings)

His opening speach outside the white house, September 2007.

Dear fellow Americans. And other pertners.
New times arrive, we have survived. So listen up! Here is my suggestion to ewery one still standing, and breathing.

I know. That in order to make changes you have to start at home, if you want the world to follow.

Desember the 1st, this year, we will lay down all borders in the states. There will be no Texas, no Whioming, no Idaho, no Florida. The United States will become "A state" only a part of the new world. Not a bungle of units dansing with other units in the game of playing the success game off chess...

I know. This will be difficoult for many people, but we have to do this.

From here on forward, the world we share will be shared by eweryone. Eweryone that live in it. And walk on it. No limits, borders, international laws to protect you ore bind you. This is your own litle globe, floating in the galaxy of many other galaxies around us, wich we have to explore if we can.

This will not be easy. In two years from doday there will be no Europe, Africa, Asia, Russia or any name for continents and cultures. But one world. Black and white, red and yellow people sharing it. Religions forgotten and most of us will be gratefull for the next morning sunrise. That is what we need and share my friends.

When summer comes, we will be able to look outside our kitchen windows and imbrace the blue sky, knowing that beond that is a new world we will find soon. I only worry that who ewer inhabit that other world, wont like us. That is why we will make thees changes in our way of life.

Cheers my beloved!
We will proof to our selves tha we can take care of things. Healthcare will become something we do with our hearts. We will take part in careing for our fellow citicens and friends. We have plenty of resourses to make this work. Pleanty of knowladge to make this possible.

I know. the kids we are still able to bring in to this world will want this. I dont think they want our problems. We will start by showing them this vision, of the new world. They will take ower and we have to teach them all the good things we know. Not the stupid and bad ones. The Bible and the Cohran hawe dissapeared from the face of our world. We are taking things in to our own hands now. Inhariting only the good things to our childrens. The books we will teach in our schools now, instead of the bible, is history. History is our mistakes and mistakes are the best things to learn from.

Best að hætta núna og fara að sofa. Klukkan er orðin hálf 6 og ég er soldið sifjaður. Samt er þetta mín sýn á framtíðina. Að mannfólkið muni átta sig á, að við getum lifað saman í friði og réttlæti. ... Nú græt jeg...

   (121 af 145)  
2/12/04 13:00



2/12/04 13:00

Bismark XI

Gaman af þessu.

2/12/04 13:01


Det var meget degeligt.

2/12/04 13:01


bull er þetta.

2/12/04 13:02


Nu er jeg full og de er sondag min kjera venner...

2/12/04 14:01


For helved!

2/12/04 14:01


Nu er jeg ogso full og de er femmens mandag...

2/12/04 14:02


Mein name ist Herr Hansen. Ich Wohnst aus ein Insel. Ich habe eine Motorrhåd.

2/12/04 16:00


blime, yor a litel of corse, but nott too far.

  • Fæðing hér: 23/2/04 16:56
  • Síðast á ferli: 26/12/16 12:19
  • Innlegg: 112
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Vel vaxinn og glæsilegur í alla staði.
Kann að lesa landakort. Þekki nokkuð vel eyju er Ísland heitir. Suður odda annarar eyju þekki jeg vel, en sú heitir Grænland. Tala íslensku ensku og dönsku vel. Einnig vel hórgengur í grænlensku. Varla hórgefandi í tælensku þýsku og frönsku. Er svosem ábauvanlegur rútubílsstjóri og hef yndi að þungum og kraftvænum trukkum. Dekkjaskipti er eitt að því sem jeg kann vel.
Æfi mín er ekki svo mikið sem byrjuð! Nema þá að kanske má segja að jeg hafi átt nokkrar ævir ef má orða það svo bauvað. Og endað hef jeg sumar þeirra. Aðrar eru í bið, eða í patt stöðu.